Performing at your best

I'm forever trying to work out what small things you can do to make sure you give your best performance on the day. Part of me thinks there is a bit of a random factor - some days you are lucky and some days it wasn't meant to be. But the science-part of my brain analyses all of the small variables.

Looking back through Strava at similar efforts is interesting.

The first screenshot below shows five efforts over the same 5.1km route (+100m elevation). Over a ten week period the best and worst performance are only 18 seconds apart. The reason for this consistency I believe is that the preparation for each effort was almost identical.

  • Time of the day: 0715 on a Tuesday morning
  • Runs in previous two days: HM long run run on the Sunday and a 8km easy run on the Monday morning 24 hrs before.
  • Footwear: The same (old pair of Nike Vaporfly 4%)
  • Food beforehand: Bowl of cereal + cup of coffee
  • Weather on the day: Nothing out ordinary

Consistent times on the same route
However, the next two screenshots show a 17:55 5km effort on a route with +35m elevation on the Saturday and then a slower 18:35 effort on a route with +7 elevation five days later.

Why was one performance at my best and the other +40s slower on what should have been an easier course?

That's the million dollar question. Thoughts below the screenshots...

1 of 2 - A strong performance on the Saturday

2 of 2 - Not at the same level five days later
Better performance:

  • Time of the day: 0730 on a Saturday morning
  • Runs in previous two days: Full rest day on the Friday. Tempo 5k effort 48hrs earlier on the Thursday.
  • Footwear: Newish Nike Vaporfly 4%
  • Food beforehand: Omelette + cup of coffee
  • Running partner: Yes - for first 2km
  • Weather on the day: Nothing out ordinary

Worse performance:

  • Time of the day: 0700 on a Thursday morning
  • Runs in previous two days: 8km easy run on the Wednesday morning 24 hrs before. Hard 12min flat out effort 36hrs before on the Tuesday.
  • Footwear: Newish Nike Alphafly
  • Food beforehand: Bowl of cereal + cup of coffee
  • Running partner: No
  • Weather on the day: Nothing out ordinary

So the difference seems to be:
  • Rest - Major factor - Having a full 48 hrs of rest seems to be a major factor
  • Running partner: Medium Factor - Running with others seems to have a difference, the psychology of wanting to perform better - slightly more adrenline and focus
  • Preparation - Minor factor - An extra 30 minutes to wake up and get ready for the run after 
  • Footwear - Minor factor - The Vaporfly 4%s make a difference 

...or maybe it's just the random factor ;)


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