
Showing posts from January, 2021

Running training plan for 2021

Right here's the training plan for 2021. Similar to what I did second half of 2020, but with slightly tougher Tuesday evenings... Based on the principles I put down in the blog post below: Monday and Wednesday Not going to try and run every session at fastest speed. Monday and Wednesdays will be about getting out and stretching the legs and enjoying it at a deliberately slower pace than normal. Theory is that (a) it'll still do me good and (b) I'll recover nicely for a good workout the following day. Tuesday and Thursday Hard training sessions. Tuesday being the tougher one with a double session. Something like 12x400m or 5x1km or hill work at my fastest pace. Then following it up with a tempo 5km just to really work the legs. Thursday will be something like a progression run finishing at my fastest race pace or a threshold 5k. Friday Day off. Take it as easy as possible to let legs recover as much as poss