Running 1500m on the track - race plan

Over the last few years I have ran quite a few road races and loads (170+) parkruns - but I have done very few races on the track.

I fancied getting a decent 1500m effort on my Power of Ten record so put my name forward for a local club event.

This then left me with the questions:

  • What time do I want to aim for?
  • What is the race strategy to get that time? 

In terms of a target time, I know that if I run a really good parkrun (5km) I can get 17:30 which is 3:30/km. So a 1500m at 3:30/km should be comfortable - which would equal a 5:15 1500m.

I also like round numbers - so going for a sub 5 minute 1500m seemed like the target to go for. This would need an average of 3:20/km pace.

A 12x400m interval session is always a good indicator as to what speed you can run at. Two screenshots below show sessions I've done this year (a) with the club on a proper track and (b) on a lunchtime on a bit of flat tarmac. The track efforts where at 3:10-3:15/km pace. The lunchtime efforts where at 3:15-3:20/km pace.

12 x 400m session on the track
12 x 400m on a flat bit of tamac
So, with my negative head on I felt that 3:20/km for nearly four laps would be too hard - especially if you feel knackered after doing that pace for a 400m interval. But with my positive hat on I hoped that if I could do the first two laps at this pace then the adrenaline and competitive spirit would carry me through.

The curve ball of course was 'choice of shoe' - Alphaflies are not allowed on the track - so I bought a nice pair of spikes that will serve me for track and cross country.

The race day
On the line before the race I chatted to another competitor - he had a PB of 4:54 so I knew that if I near him I'd be in the right ball park. It was a little warm and windy so not the perfect day - so I was a bit nervous.

My plan was for 3:20/km (80 seconds per lap) for the first two laps (300 + 400m) with the view to hopefully be feeling good and do negative splits.

The breakdown of the laps was as follows.

Lap one = 300m = 57s (-3s)
Very happy with the first lap. Concentrated on breathing and technique and was comfortably ahead of target without pushing hard.

Lap two = 400m = 78s (-2s)
Again, really happy and knew I was 5s ahead of target time. Decided I'd not go crazy on the third lap and leave something in the tank for a good finish.

Lap three = 400m = 80s (-)
Just sat in behind the '4:54 runner' for the first 300m, getting some shelter from the wind and still feeling I had something left - then went past him with 100m to go until the bell - felt I could push on for the last 500m

Lap four = 400m = 75s (-5s)
A strong last lap of 75s - took me over the line in 4:50. 10 seconds ahead of target and a 3:11/km pace for 3.75 laps. Turned out to be 2:54/km pace for the final 500m (see below). 

The 1500m race itself 

So all in all - a fun change to do 1500m track rather than 5k-Mar longer distance on the road. Next time I do one I'll see if I can break 4:45 - or maybe a sub 5:00 mile would be a stretched goal.

The more experienced '4:54 runner' went past me in last 50m to do 4:49 - so it was nice to work together to both get PBs without being too concerned about position. ;) 


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