Durham to Hett loop - Half Marathon Route

Check out the route on Strava:

Route starts in Durham City Centre - parking during the day is a pain - probably best to pick a public carpark. But if early in the morning, on the road around DH1 3HL is OK. The first 2km winds its way along the river past the student playing fields. The next 9km is a blatant steal of the tracks used for the Durham TrailOutlaws running event. Even people who have lived in Durham for years don't know these paths exist and they are fantastic twisty, up and down trails through beautiful woodland. At the half way stage the route goes through farmer fields around Hett. There is then 3km, mostly downhill, along the A167 before cutting back through Low Burnhall nature reserve, through the Houghall woods and then back along the river to Durham. A great run - mainly on trail paths with plenty of ups and downs.
Selected photos...
Some great running tracks along the River Wear around Durham City Centre

Watch out for the cows in a couple of the fields (although they are used to walkers/runners)

Nice and quiet in the fields around Hett
Strava Segment of note:
Useful links:
For a list of different half marathon routes around the North East of England see:


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