Swalwell to Chopwell Woods loop - Half Marathon Route

Check out the route on Strava:

I parked on a side street next to Swalwell Cricket Club NE21 6JA. Run all of the way up the converted railway track to Rowlands Gill. Once through the town then you go off right climbing up through 100m of elevation through Chopwell Woods. This loops back around Rowlands Gill, running by the side of the road for a while, before getting back on tracks again to wind back along the River Derwent all of the way back to the car. Downhill all of the way home.
Selected photos...
Field full of Highland Cattle on way into Chopwell Woods

Restored railway path and NCB coal truck in Chopwell Woods

Look left when approaching Rowlands Gill to see the National Trust Gibside estate

Winding back to the start there are some nice little sights

Rowlands Gill - famous for its Red Kites (and I saw a real one too)
Strava Segment of note:
  • Hotel - 1.66km, 7% average elevation, 111m, Climb category 4.
Useful links:
For a list of different half marathon routes around the North East of England see:


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