Sunderland - Half Marathon Route

Check out the route on Strava:

Park in this little car park on the edge of Herrington Country Park - DH4 7EL - then it is a windy route down to the River Wear. Once across the bridge then it is a mix of cycle path, trail surface and then paved river walkways to Sunderland. Then up and over the bridge before running through Sunderland City Centre. The route then goes through a few parks, over the A19 via a little farm bridge then a return to Herrington Country Park.
Selected photos...
The view from under the new bridge
Old industry on the wear looking up to the football stadium
More bridges
Penshaw Monument (worth running up to if you have never been)
Strava Segment of note:
- Wearmouth X - Sprint across that bridge!

Useful links:

For a list of different half marathon routes around the North East of England see:


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