River Tyne - Half Marathon Route

Check out the route on Strava:

Parking in Newcastle can be a little tough - but next to the Cycle Hub NE6 1BU. The route below is a bit longer at 24km than just a HM - but you can reduce it in size by starting and finishing at the Swing Bridge. But it's nice to take in the views of Millenium Bridge, The Sage, The Baltic, so worth the extra 2-3km. All very nice and flat - all on good surfaces. Suggest running out along the north side. Turn when you get to Newburn Bridge. On the way back along the south side you get to run past the Metro Centre, a bit of Blaydon Races history and past the Dunston Straiths. A bit of a classic North East long run!

Selected photos...
The famous Tyne Bridge and Swing Bridge
Gateshead Quays - The Baltic, The Sage and The Millenium Bridge

A boat that has seen better days

I went to Blaydon Races, twas on the ninth of June
Strava Segment of note:

Useful links:

For a list of different half marathon routes around the North East of England see:
- https://northeastrunning.blogspot.com/2020/07/north-east-half-marathon-running-routes.html


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